The North Now

The North Now
Featuring art from across Northern Ontario, this multi-disciplinary juried exhibition provides a glimpse of the immense creativity, diversity and innovation by established and emerging artists living in the north of the province. Artists were invited to submit original works of art created within the last two years for consideration by a jury of arts professionals. Artists were encouraged to submit work that challenges, expands and innovates.
From the Jurors
As jurors, we endeavoured to choose work for this 2019 Northern Ontario Juried Exhibition that reflected the general guidelines given to us by the Thunder Bay Art Gallery. The guidelines were straightforward: to present a diversity of artwork from emerging, mid-career and senior artists from across Northern Ontario, and to showcase artwork that conceptually challenges as well as aesthetically pleases.
For us, the selection process itself was not quite so straightforward and was most certainly a challenge. With over two hundred works by ninety-eight artists to consider, we had to whittle down the submissions into a cohesive exhibition that would showcase art making across this vast geography that is Northern Ontario.
We hope we have been successful and that viewers will appreciate both the broad range of mediums presented, the high calibre of work within these mediums, and the uniqueness of expression whether it be responses to the northern environment, its history or politics, or individual explorations of themes, concepts and contexts. Finally, the artists in the exhibition collectively reflect a commitment to exhibiting and professionalizing their craft and we congratulate them and wish them continued success.
— Janet Clark & Frank Shebageget