1080 Keewatin St,
Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 6T7


Talking Treaties

Thursday, July 14 at 7:00 PM

The Thunder Bay Art Gallery invites community members to attend Oshdeebeganwin. Oshdee – cross your heart, Begaa-win – written agreement, talking treaties with Michele Solomon, Nicole Richmond, and Gene Nowegejick.


Art and Nature River Walk

Take a walk in nature around the Gallery and be inspired by our outdoor sculptures. Discover some of the many natural materials that have been used to create works of art in our Permanent Collection.

Download Art and Nature Walk Map

Colour and Create a Hedgehog using Autumn Leaves

This digital activity is free and recommended for artists 4 and up. Follow along with Art Instructors Ashley and Alyson and learn how to create a fall-themed project using DIY tools and materials. Using pencil crayons, paper, glue, and a few autumn leaves create a lovable hedgehog friend! Take a walk outside before, during, and after you watch the video to stay inspired!


Download Hedgehog Template

Outdoor Sculpture Activity Sheet

Take a tour of our outdoor sculptures with this fun filled colouring activity sheet. Create your own outdoor work of art to add to our collection. Find your way to the Gallery through a twisting maze.


How to Make a Mini Zine

YouTube video

Instructional guide from the Thunder Bay Art Gallery on How to Make a Mini Zine.


  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Drawing Tools