Curated by Salomé Viguier
Opening event & artist performance by Mariana Lafrance, April 11
The Thunder Bay Art Gallery is playing host to FRAGILE, and exhibition on loan from Bravo Art, Ottawa. This is an opportunity for the people of Northwestern Ontario to experience the work of six contemporary Francophone artists, who explore the concept and experience of their Francophone heritage in relation to family identity
FR: Cette exposition réunit le travail de six artistes qui remettent en question leur perception d’eux-mêmes en tant qu’individus et en tant que membres de sociétés spécifiques. Dans ce contexte, l’art agit comme un prolongement d’une culture et d’un langage qui ne sont pas fixes mais constamment en construction. Le concept et l’expérience de l’identité francophone sont au cœur de chaque travail.
EN: This exhibition brings together the work of six artists who consider their perceptions of themselves both as individuals and members of particular societies. In this context, the art acts as an extension of a culture and a language that are not fixed but constantly under construction. The concept and experience of Francophone identity is at the core of each work.
Avec/Featuring works by Faye Mullen, Geneviève Thauvette, Mariana Lafrance, Mathieu Goupil-Lemay, Matthieu Sabourin, and Vincent Chevalier.
organized and circulated by