how to write a poem: rhyme, rhythm, and repetition in the permanent collection

how to write a poem: rhyme, rhythm, and repetition in the permanent collection
Jun 14 to Sep 15, 2024
Summer Party Opening Reception: Saturday June 22, 2024
“how to write a poem” is an exhibition about finding poetry within artworks from our Permanent Collection. The work of Ahmoo Angeconeb, Benjamin Chee Chee, Jane Ash Poitras, Robert Houle, and Michael Belmore, among others, is brought together to explore the questions: how does one artwork “rhyme” with another? In what way does an exhibition demonstrate rhythm or beat? What compels an artist (or poet) to examine themes, images, or mediums over and over? This exhibition examines artwork through the lens of poetry, treating these works as if they were poems brought together in an anthology providing a new entry point to thinking about the artists’ intention and the stories they each seek to tell.